Sam Seltzer Oral History

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Sam Seltzer Oral History


An interview with Sam Seltzer, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Anita Schwartz. Sam Seltzer was born in Modzurów (Modzdrzejow), Poland. Sam's family consisted of his mother, father and five siblings. Following the outbreak of the war, his mother and siblings attempted to flee east to the Russian border. Unable to complete their journey, they stayed instead with Sam's older sister in the small town of Zawiercie. After a brief time, Sam returned to Modzurów until he was rounded up by the Germans and placed in a number of forced-labor camps, including Sosnowiec, Klettendorf, Geppersdorf, Brande, Graeditz, Faulbrück and Annaberg. In 1944, Sam was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. After several weeks in Birkenau, Sam volunteered to work as a mechanic and was sent to a labor Kommando attached to Buchenwald. Sam was liberated in Buchenwald in April 1945. After liberation, Sam was hospitalized for several years in Feldafing, Germany. In 1947, Sam's brother entered the same hospital and they were reunited. Sam immigrated to the United States in 1951 and his brother joined him a few years later

Oral History Item


Schwartz, Anita


Seltzer, Sam

Date Recorded



“Sam Seltzer Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed October 23, 2024,

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