Sonia Nothman Oral History

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Sonia Nothman Oral History


An interview with Sonia Nothman, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Dawn Miller. Sonia Nothman was born in Chmielnik, Poland in 1922. When the war started, Sonia was visiting family in Lódz. She returned to Chmielnik but due to her Polish language skills was able to move between Chmielnik and Lódz. In 1941, a ghetto was established in Chmielnik and Sonia, along with her family was placed in the ghetto. In 1942, Sonia, her brother and sister were deported to the Skarzysko-Kamienna forced labor camp. In 1944, Sonia was sent to Czenstochow. From there she was sent west into Germany proper where she and her sister were marched to several labor camps (Bergen-Belsen, Berga, Dachau and Allach). The American Army liberated them in 1945

Oral History Item


Miller, Dawn


Nothman, Sonia

Date Recorded



“Sonia Nothman Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed January 3, 2025,

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