Ruth Kent Oral History

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Ruth Kent Oral History


An interview with Ruth Kent, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Dr. Sidney Bolkosky, Professor of History at the University of Michigan--Dearborn. Ruth Kent was born in Lódz, Poland and lived with her family in the Lódz ghetto until it was liquidated in 1944. The family was then sent to Auschwitz where they were separated and some family members were immediately put to death. Ruth and a sister were sent to Stutthof, a labor camp, where they were later separated. Ruth survived a forced march as the Germans evacuated the camps in the face of the advancing Russian army. She was liberated by the Russians and was reunited with two brothers after the war

Oral History Item


Bolkosky, Sidney M


Kent, Ruth

Date Recorded



“Ruth Kent Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed October 23, 2024,

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