Nancy Furdonski Oral History

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Nancy Furdonski Oral History


An interview with Nancy Furdonski, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Charlene Green. Nancy Furdonski was born in Zlozew, Poland. Following the Nazi invasion of Poland, Nancy, along with her mother, father and several siblings, fled to the nearby town of Zduńska Wola, where Nancy's two older sisters lived. Following a brief stay there, Nancy, along with one sister and brother, went to stay with their grandmother in Szadek, Poland. After some time, Nancy and her family returned to Zdunska Wola where they remained in the ghetto until 1942. When the Germans liquidated the Zdunska Wola ghetto in 1942, Nancy and two sisters were sent to the Lodz Ghetto and many of her other family members were deported and murdered. Following the liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto, Nancy and her sisters were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. After a brief time, they were shipped to Stutthof, where her older sister perished, and then to Dresden. Following the bombings of that city, Nancy and her sister were sent on a forced march to Theresienstadt. During the march, they escaped and hid on a farm near Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) where they were liberated by the American army. After a brief return to Poland, Nancy immigrated to America. Of her nine siblings, only a sister and a brother survived

Oral History Item


Green, Charlene


Furdonski, Nancy

Date Recorded



“Nancy Furdonski Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed January 10, 2025,

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