Eugene Feldman Oral History

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Eugene Feldman Oral History


An interview with Eugene Feldman, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Dr. Sidney Bolkosky, Professor of History at the University of Michigan--Dearborn. Eugene Feldman was born in the late 1920s in Glinka, Poland. Situated in the Soviet zone of occupation after 1939, Glinka was under Soviet rule until 1941. Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Eugene and his family were sent to the nearby ghetto in Stolin. During an Aktion, Eugene, his father, stepmother, and cousin hid from the Germans, escaped from the ghetto and returned to Glinka. They left the village and hid in the countryside, following a band of partisans through White Russia (Belarus). After the war, Eugene went to Lódz, Poland and then on to a DP camp in Freimann, Germany. From there he immigrated to the United States

Oral History Item


Bolkosky, Sidney M


Feldman, Eugene

Date Recorded



“Eugene Feldman Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed October 23, 2024,

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